This app was made for CU BOULDER GEOG 4043 - Advanced GeoVisuization, Dept of Geography. Dr. Morteza Karimzadeh
The following geovisualization shows the effect of certain socioeconomic variables (proportion of people of color, median household income, proportion unemployed, proportion that did not work in the last 6 months, proportion of renters, average household size) in relation to the amount of bus stops throughout a 6-month period of the specified time period aggregated to the respective census tract (August 2019, May 2020 and September 2020). This census data was collected from 2014 to 2018, the aggregated bus stops were acquired through processing RTD GTFS data in R and ArcMap, and finally the routes were acquired from the Regional Transportation District (RTD).
This app allows users to explore bus stop frequency to the aforementioned socioeconomic factors and allow them to make conclusions about how changing bus stop frequencies could potentially affect census tracts through the linked parallel coordinate plot. This tool enables the user to easily visualize the effects of the pandemic and public transportation via spatiotemporal elements.
This app could potentially serve as an exploratory tool to influence where bus stops are located in the Denver Metro Area to create more intuitive, accessible, and efficient bus routes. This visualization also allows users to see which areas with lower or higher socioeconomic status may have been affected by changes in RTD bus stop frequency throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.To visualize the effects of these changes, please click on the buttons below to query the desired time period (August 2019, May 2020, September 2020). To visualize the routes on top of the census tract data, please click "Toggle Routes". In addition to this, the parallel coordinate plot below allows you to 'scrub' and highlight the census tract data and the percent change of bus stops from the time period prior. Additional credit to Katie Tyler at CU Boulder for assisting with data collection and analysis!
Check out our tutorial for more information.
We created two axes at the end of the pcp called ‘percent change May - September 2020’ and ‘percent change August 2019 and May 2020’ to quantify a percentage that demonstrates whether each census tract lost or gained bus stops during the pandemic. We specifically chose these dates based on when the pandemic started and what RTD data was most recently released.
To change the positioning of the axes to more directly compare the distribution of points for two variables, click and drag the axis title over to any point on the PCP .The color classification scheme we used for the lines on the parallel coordinate plot are relative to the values of the last axis (Percent change between August 2019 and May 2020). We used a diverging color scheme (red to blue) where red = -100%, blue = +50%, yellow = below zero, and green = above zero.
Authors: // // //
Plug ins used: Leaflet Parallel Coordinates MapShaper ArcGIS Data Drivien Documents RTD Data Census Tract Data